Thursday, February 19, 2009

We like to move it, move it!!!

So... We are all packed up and moved out. Soon Pat will be on his way to Virginia and me and the kiddos will be on our way to the Valley. It was a very stressful last couple of days, but we have lived through it. Hopefully the upcoming weeks are relaxing and wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing my family and hanging out in my old haunts. I am also super stoked to be headed to Stitches West with my bestest friend Ginni!!! I can't wait for the fun to begin, but I know I will miss Groton, and the lovely friends I made here. Oh.... And the beluga whales. I will miss them too.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


today is valentine's day. jake was sharing some of my heart shaped snickers and started spitting out the peanuts. i told pat, "I NEED A PAPER TOWEL!!! STAT!!!" he says in relpy, "What does 'STAT' mean anyway? does it stand for something?" and then he says,

A long

amid the peals of laughter i remembered why i married him in the first place.

i hope everyone is having a great Valentine's Day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

$5 footlong

or as my daughter likes to say "$5 meatlong". i like the meatball marinara. for five bucks you really can't beat it. it is what i had for dinner tonight. i like mine personalized. everyone who has ever made one for me always looks at me strange, but i think it is fabulous!

start with the italian herbs and cheese.
then add mustard.
then the meatballs.
then provolone.
then onions and peppers, and have it toasted.
top it with some olives and pickles and you are set.

they will look at you strange too, but trust me. its DELICIOUS!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

so that navy thing...

it seems that the navy, in all its wisdom, has decided to move us to Virginia, and keep us there. we found out friday, and i am finally getting over the shock. it isn't too bad now that i give it a chance. yesterday i went to borders and got a book about Virginia. it looks BEEEEYOOOO-TIFUL. it looks like there is a lot of stuff to do, and there will be a Costco near by! so, we are still moving in a week and a half (only to Virginia) me and the kids are still going to L.A. for the month of March, and everything is going to be O.K.

Friday, February 6, 2009

the navy

the navy has managed to throw a car going 60 miles an hour in reverse. needless to say the transmission is now shit.

holding... holding....

you know when you are having a baby, and they tell you "PUSH! PUSH! PUSH!... okay now hold it! DON'T push!"

and you know how much that sucks, because all you want to do is push, and they are telling you not to, and it is just awful? weeeeeellllll the navy just told us to stop pushing. to hold it. but instead of having one baby trying to come out, there is a whole household involved. arrrgh!

Monday, February 2, 2009


so guess what has cheered me up from my wahwah baby funk? knitting! i was working on my february lady sweater last night and i noticed a mistake. i kept it, hoping it would be alright, but alas, that was not the case. this morning the 7 stitch repeat turned into a 5 stitch repeat! i think it was a lack of yarn overs, but can't be sure. so... what did i do? since i suck at taking knitting back two or three rows, i took the five stitches off the needles, ripped it back to the garter stitch yoke, and reworked them back up. this is the second or third time i have done it, and although a couple of the stitches are wonky to begin with, it comes out in the washing/blocking stage. i am proud of me, and feel good about it! yay me!


as most of you know, things around here can be pretty hectic. and they are beginning to be even more so, if that is at all possible. in 16 days or so (i can't really remember when) the movers will be coming to pack up all of our belongings and get them on their merry way to aloha-land. pat will be going to virginia, and the kids and i are staying til then end of the month, then flying out to Los Angeles. in the mean time, there is packing, and giving stuff away, and returning of the spinning wheel (boo hoo) and a trip to WEBS and school , and swim classes, and just EVERYTHING! just writing that gave me anxiety. out of all the times i moved, this one is affecting me the worst. and i don't know why. maybe its because i don't have a baby to take my mind off of it, and not be bothered by it. all i know id that i have been on major edge, and i feel bad for my husband, and kids. they are stressed too, and i need to remember that.

what i really need, really really really, is a best friend to come over and joke with me and bring me coffee, even though i don't ask for it. i need a best friend, or my mom, or my sister. or all three. i feel like i am being a total boo hoo baby. but i don't care. you all can vote for me for biggest wah-wah baby of 2009.

Uberlist update: part 1/12

These are the things that I managed to do in the month of January.

5. I made a sweater. Actually it is called a capelet, but it has all the elements. Plus I am working on my February lady sweater, so it was good practice.

13. I got a fancy new phone. It is an iPhone, and I think I am in love with it. With all the apps, it is really helping me get a handle on things, but, I am trying really really really hard not to pay a lot of attention to it. After all, it is just a phone, and not my kids.

35. and 36. I updated the ravelry stash and cleaned up the yarn closet at the same time, by packing it all away. It makes me sad to see the wool all encased in a space bag, but it is for the better.

58. I posted the uber list early on! This is one thing that I will keep doing. It is an easy task to finish.

73. pat found the iPod dock the other day when he was looking for something else. I am glad of it, as now I can listen to my podcasts while cleaning out the garage. Thanks pat.

So far that is what I have done. There are a few changes I am making to the list, as a few of them are crazy!

I am changing number three to “make at least 150 squares for pine ridge reservation”. I tried to do one a day, and then fell behind, and well, this just seems do-able.

Numer 68 will now be “go to Stiches West”. I have found something I like more than gambling… and it is wool! Well… to be honest, yarn of any fiber. And so, I will get to see yarn and fiber, and books about them and spinning wheels, and patterns and bags, and best of all GINNI!!!!