Tuesday, June 9, 2009


it is getting warmer and stickier here in virginia. we are, all of us, constantly under attack. from mosquitoes, heatstroke, crab grass (that desperately needs to be mowed) and worst of all... ants. there is an army of ants that has made it their only goal to eat my dogs food. no matter how i clean up, they stay. ant bait... they laugh... and so i will head down to the local home depot and get something that will kill the ants but not my babies, or dog. hopefully something in a gel form that i can squish between the floor molding.

other than that, i have been working out, and trying to lose some of this cush i built up. and i have been staving off the scurvy with dried mango i was supposed to send my husband so he doesn't get the scurvy. i can always get more.

on a side note, ranier cherries are in season, and we have been scarfing them down. today will also be spent going to the commissary to buy more. YUM!


Unknown said...

the scruvy is getting bad if only I had some dried mango I would be ok but atlas I have no teeth left to chew

sarah said...

i hate humidity.