we are in Virginia. i wrote a really lovely post about how nice it is to be with my husband, and having a complete nuclear family again, but it got lost somewhere in the interwebs, and i can't recreate the beauty of it. oh well...
we are in Virginia. we have a nice house with a lovely back yard, and carport. the kids and i are doing well, except when i try to get anything done. if i try to do anything (and by anything, i mean anything; dishes, unpacking, laundry, etc.) then there is a lot of yelling, and unhappy Stevensons. so i am trying a new way to do things. i only do them before lunch. that way at least i am a little productive and the kids aren't being yelled at all day. YAY!
there will be more postings soon, with pictures from the valley, our new home, and our pretty little dog Sadie, and other various things. maybe my sweater that i have been working on since january, and an update on the Uber is to come as well.