Saturday, November 21, 2009

The holidays are coming. I bought a ham for thanksgiving yesterday. I am thinking of chocolate advent calendars. And I woke up at 3:38 this morning with a need to pee and a bit of depression. Unfortunately I am one of those people that gets melancholy. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE christmas. New years is awesome! But there is always a little bit of sadness too. Too bad for me it came with a bit of insomnia.

Here is to hoping that the return of my husband will outshine the shadow.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

yesterday when Liz came home from school, she told me her teacher told her to bring a snickers bar to school tomorrow. so what did i do? i sent her with an orange, and told liz that if her teacher asks her for a candy bar to give her the wee clementine, and tell her to eat some viamin C... that it is flu season, and she immune system could use an orange better than chocolate. we shall see what the teach asks for next. i am ready will all kinds of fruits and how they are better for you than junk. then i will eat the junk that she is asking for....
