Monday, December 31, 2007

eat this 2008!!!

New Years is upon us! HAPPY HAPPY! YAY! i hope everyone is going to have a wonderful year... full of summer olympics and new presidents! whoopee!!!!

and here it is... my 2008 UBERLIST.

1. purge... i mean clean my closet
2. update bills.
3. blog more.
4. knit 4 socks (two adult pairs)
5. get liz to skool
6. get my toes did more.
7. learn to spin.
8. be more aware of politics/economy
9. vote
10. register for absentee ballot
11. cut back on caffeine
12. knit 12 things.
13. crochet 13 things.
14. eat out less.
15. better dental hygiene (floss more, wear night guard)
16. walk, bike or skate 3-5 miles, 3-5 days a week
17. learn magic loop
18. stash= 21,421 yrds or 12.1 miles... burn through 8,800 yrds or 5 miles.
18a. stash = 23,117 yards or 13.1 miles of yarn. burn through 11, 440 yards, or 6.5 miles.
19. use more math
20. shop at LYS near new homes
21. spiders: catch and set free, or kill... no more freeloading.
22. reusable bags instead of getting a million bags at the market
23. catch up on all podcasting.
24. give extra blankets to shelter.
25. call my mom and dad more
26. after move #2 get a dog
26a. new car.. buy or lease... find out!
27. buy a new bed (for us or kids, no matter)
28. in general... use stuff, don't "save it"
29. watch little house with liz.
30. have theme nights with kids (camping, caveman, settler)
31. go back to church
32. drink more beer.
33. write letters to friends
34. teach one man to knit.
35. label photos when uploading to flickr
36. swap books.
37. drink more water
38. finish uberlist and post by 06 jan 08
39. clean cobwebs from ceiling
40. clean out medicine cabinet
41. go through linen closet and purge
42. wash throw rugs.
43. clean out coat closet
44. REALLY clean liz's room by end of Feb.
45. store fabric
46. find decent needle organizer
47. wear more cute things
48. once a week for 1-1 1/2 hours knit outside house, by myself.
49. do ironing as laundry finishes
50. make sure Pat's uniforms fit and have correct patches.
51. learn Japanese
52. give literary harry potter another chance.
53. make my sister visit me at all my homes.
54. cook 10 new things from scratch.
55. less candy, more fruit
56. less donuts, more veg.
57. clean out jakes crib and make suitable for sleeping.
58. get jake to sleep in cleaned out crib (at least for naps)
59. find all pieces to jake's jumper
60. join a fiber group
61. get a new vacuum
62. have an outing with liz and I once a month ( like a movie or something)
63. sew in ends of damned afghan
64. sew jake a christmas stocking
65. work on my death shroud.
66. sew dresses for liz
67. write one fan mail a month (blog comments count)
68. finish those stupid aprons
69. nap with the kids more
70. watch more netflix
71. order jakes baby photos.
72. get portraits of the kids.
73. have my annual in august.
74. go to vegas once
75. spend more time with my mom
76. throw out clothes that are evil.
77. shave my legs more... be less hairy.
78. finish chores before going to bed.
79. make sure liz gets read to with BIG BOOKS
80. read Katherine and Rhett's People
81. eat more bagels
82. everytime i go to the store buy extra food for donation. when a box is full give to food bank.
83. wash the car once a month
84. rearrange dishes, pots, and pans
85. get new glasses
86. find a new home for mr. fish
87. take a family vacation
88. see some snow
89. save more money
90. put all music on iTunes
91. budget monies for the year
92. give Norma my old maternity clothes.
93. clean out dressers/
94. clean out makeup case and lotions.
95. open bank account for jake
96. clean out fridge regularly
97. get my dad a calendar with all birthdays
98. make a present for my new nieces/nephews
99. take a vitamin a day
100. help liz learn to wipe her own butt
101. recycle more often
102. fix up my yarn holders
103. acquire some cool books.
104. use more coupons.
105. get my hairs cut by someone whose job it is to cut hair.
106. organize fiber magazines
107. send christmas cards by 15 dec 08
108. move twice without losing my mind or the kids.

so... there it is. it seems like a lot, but not really. i think if i could put my kids in carbonite regularly, this would be easy peasy, but i can't so it will take some working on. besides... if i did put my kids in carbonite i would have to deal with the blindness, so it would be more work in the end... one day.... i will figure it out.

1 comment:

sarah said...

i like it. i'm amazed you didn't just stop writing in the middle thinking, "this is too much!!" you are a better girl than me!