Wednesday, February 13, 2008

one of those days...

have you ever known it was going to be one of those days, like, the MINUTE you wake up? i have all the time. for instance take this morning... i woke up at 8, and couldn't go back to sleep. that is really early for me. well... not REALLY early, but enough to make me desperately want a cup of coffee. anyway... back to my story... so there we are, liz is sleeping, and jake is quietly nursing, and i am laying in a zombified state. usually the first thing jake does in the morning is poop, and today was like any other... except for the fact that while i am changing him, poop the consistency of hot dog slurry (thanks "how it's made) shot out of him. what can i say? my instincts took over. not the ones that make me run away screaming like a rabbit in a trap, but the ones that say "you sooooo don't want to do more laundry today." so i caught it. in my hand. it was hot. and stinky. i washed my hands twice in really hot water. yeah... today is going to be one of those days, but... i guess a poop in the hand is worth none in the sheets.

after thought... i wasn't going to run away like a rabbit in a trap, that would be silly. i was going to scream like a rabbit. for those of you that don't know... rabbits scream really ugly.

1 comment:

The Professor said...

A poop in the hand.... hmmm, never heard that proverb before but it makes sense.