Monday, April 6, 2009

speaking of mr. billy mays...

is there anyone else that has decided they can't live without oxyclean? it got out some gnarly stains from the kids, and even some gross puke stench from liz's stomach flu. i love Love LOVE it. it is my new Mrs. Meyers. i used to love that too, but i can't seem to find it here in virginia. her lemon verbena countertop spray was magical. and harmless to my wee babes.

my other "secret" ingredient to a clean happy kitchen is baking soda. i use it on all my dishes to get the stuck on, baked on gunk off. it cleans my sink, and it keeps my fridge smelling nice (well not right now... i have yet to put one in our new fridge, and it got the funk). and it is a wonder at cleaning the stove top. and again, i don't have to worry about chemicals. well harmful ones at least....

is there a magical cure all for you?

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