Thursday, October 22, 2009

maybe i'm like my mother... she's never satisfied...

okay, so this morning after taking liz to school, and making sure that jake is going to run away, i gathered up all my rubbish, and took the bin out to the street for pick up. it is what i have been doing since pat left, pregnant and all. and then i continued to gather up my recycling, and take that out to the street. i did this while my neighbor watched. as soon as i finished she said to me "if you need help, all you have to do is ask."
i supposed she was trying to let me know that i don't have to do things on my own, but why didn't she help me while i was doing it? why did she wait til i was done? it made me mad! i was raised that if you are on the bus and see an old person, a pregnant lady, or a mom or dad with a baby, you stand up and give them your seat. even if they don't take it, you stand up, just in case they change their mind. if you see ANYONE stuggling with heavy bags, or dropping things, you just help. you don't wait til they finish, and you sure as hell don't wait until they ask you.
now, i'm not saying that i am unable to take the bins out, or that i want help, i just hate the un-neighborliness of my neighbors. granted i don't really want them coming over my house, but i would greatly appreciate it if they would curb their dogs. i doubt i will ever have awesome neighbors like i had in Groton, but i hold on to a small glimmer of hope that one day i might just have one family that lives next to me that is rad.

is that too much to ask?

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