Wednesday, November 23, 2011

things i am thankful for...

i am thankful for my Jake, who sings Bob Marley's "three little birds" with such purity that deep down, i know everything is going to be alright.

i am thankful for my Liz, who when i offered sweets for breakfast if she let the dog out in the morning, she said "if Jake and I both let the dog out, do we both get sweets?  i want Jake to have good things too." she lets me know that i am doing an ok job in raising my kids to be more than brother and sister, and that they will grow up to be friends.

i am thankful for my Kitty, who makes me laugh with her wiggly little dances.  her joy for life brightens my day when things get to be a little too much.

i am thankful for my body, which at this very moment is creating a new little life to bring even more love to my heart.

i am thankful for my family who are always a phone call away, and who always make me feel less crazy.

i am thankful for all my friends, who are funny and smart, and brave and awesome.  i love them.

i am thankful that we are not for want.  that we have all the things we need to get by, and more... and that we are able to share what we have with people that we know and love, and with people that we will never meet.

i am thankful for my husband, who works hard, and through his sacrifice, has gifted us with the life our family leads.  (i just wish his job had him home more. i miss him.)

there is so much in my life that i have to be thankful for, but i think i will just say that i am thankful for my life.  i am glad that it is mine, and i wouldn't trade it for anything.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

an apple a day

when i was single i used to bite apples.
when i got married, i took to cutting them in quarters.
now that i have twenty seven thousand eight hundred and forty two kids, i cut them into twelfths, and peel four of those, and serve them in bowls, and stop the fighting because "SHE GOT MORE THAN ME!!!" by giving up the little bit that is mine.

one day i will bite an apple again, but until that day comes, i will savor the smiles and the "thank you mama!'s and the "it's ok that yours fell... have some of mine"s that i get.  and it will make my heart happy that i am teaching sharing, and patience, and nutrition, and math, and differences and similarities (have you ever compared a honeycrisp to a red delicious? completely different!), all with the help of the humble apple.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

9 years ago

i made this for my Hubs a bit before our 1st anniversary... 

nine years ago i got married.  in las vegas.  in a drive thru in a taxi.  i had an orange tshirt and jeans and my husband to be wore a dickies and a sweatshirt.  after we got married, we gambled and drank free beer and ate at the buffet.  we rode roller coasters and had a fight, and made up, and now here it is 9 years later.  we have lived in four states, and have three (soon to be four) kids.  we have had numerous fish, and a dog who acts like a cat.  we have had fights, and we have had great times.  and all in all we have treated our marriage much like that night we got married.  we take it a little at a time. we wear clothes that are comfortable, and eat good food (although sometimes too much dessert).  we drink beer, and gamble with each new place that we live, and we ride the constant roller coaster that is parenthood.  and even though a lot of times i am on land and by myself, and he is underwater by himself, we are never alone... we have each other.  i am glad that i never had any crazy expectations of what our married life would be.  i am glad that i married my friend. and i am glad that he married me.

happy anniversary, HD! i hope the flaming hot whatevers you are eating taste good.  i miss you, and i am glad i get to see you almost sooner rather than later.  here's to counting on our toes!

Monday, November 7, 2011

24 weeks

guess what?!?  i am six months pregnant.  and i am going to celebrate by eating too much pasta!  whoopee!!!

and now here is something so cute you will either puke or want a baby of your own...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

thoughts on the time change...

the time change is always looked forward to (at least fall back) by me.  the resetting of my internal clock gives me at least three days of mania, during which i get TONS done.  the only problem with this mania, is that it seems that i am the only one that gets it.  or maybe i am the only one that puts it to good use.

this is what my 7 year old daughter said to me today, "wow, mom! today sure has been relaxing and calm!"

what she doesn't see is that while she and her siblings have been playing legos, and cutting little bits of paper, i cleaned out the car, washed and folded three loads of laundry, made my bed and threw all their toys out of my room, cleaned off the table, packed two boxes to ship to my darling (and sorely missed) husband, taken care of correspondence (ok. facebook) and made plans for a movie matinee, changed all the towels, found two knitting patterns, and organized my knitting needles and UFOs, and made note that i need some new cables, and some size 5s.  i have also cleaned up the front room, and put away my store of pumpkin butter, and folded up my reusable bags.  have i mentioned i left my bed at 8 and it is only 1130?  so, yeah, i think the mania is here for a bit.  i hope it doesn't leave me drained.  for the rest of the day, all i have planned is to eat some food, and maybe hit the craft store... lets see if i can stick to that...