Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Uberlist 2013!

a new year, and a new Uberlist to give me a much needed kick in the pants!  Here is to 2013!

1. fix up my craft room
2. clean out the pantry
3. clean out the fridge (regularly)
4. clean out and organize the garage.
5. repack all the christmas stuff
6. recycle cans when you get a full bag.
7. keep cutting back (out) on cokes
8. 100 consecutive push ups
9. 100 consecutive sit ups
10. 200 consecutive squats
11. pass white star assessments
12. pass orange star assessments
13. finish GAR
14. 52 weeks, 52 projects
15. have a SUPER VACAY!
16. update super vacay xs 2
17. plan a Family Super Vacay
18. lose 5 lbs
19. clean out closet
20. clean out under bed
21. clean out side drawer
22. clean out big drawers
23. organize kids clothes
24. eat more salad
25. clean out laundry room
26. clean out vacuum closet
27. find the baby monitor
28. send clothes to teri's girls
29. keep my toes nice and painted
30. put the twin bed frame away
31. make baby presents
32. sew some new house dresses
33. buy/make yukata
34. find a nice box for jake's teeth
35. take care of my health
36. run 350 miles
37. picture a day - instagram
38. less TV
39. go to dinner for my Bday!
40. use more coupons
41. make more home salsas and picos
42. get a discount on our phones
43. order Henry's baby pictures
44. 1 year pics for Henry
45. Family picture
46. wake up before the kids more often than not
47. get a koi for henry - boy's day
48. figure out if space-a is worth the work
49. finish LOTR with Liz
50. see the Hobbit again at the Sharkey
51. read 10 books
52. cut back on magazines
53. pay off the mazda
54. put the books in order
55. more beach
56. grow out my hair. (a trim is ok for SV)
57. stop pulling out my white hair.  I am getting older, I should deal with it.
58. i am a Mom and a BAMF and i need to remember that more
59. make summer dresses for Kitty
60. sew seasonal curtains
61. less AC
62. sew pajamas for Kitty
63. keep my car nice
64. Damn Afghan!  finish that stupid thing!
65. keep a project in my purse
66. swimming lessons for the kids
67. super clean scrubbing time bathrooms (every other month)
68. clean out filing cabinet by the end of Jan.
69. drink more beer.
70. watch a TON of derby
71. more zoo
72. more aquarium
73. figure out perfect measurement for ekobrew
74 use ekobrew more
75. buy Kitty some shoes
76. plant beans with Liz
77. get the kids a ball of worms
78. use all my groupons
79. join PTA (belch!)
80. give extra and old towels to ASPCA
81. get library cards
82. mop a LOT more
83. finish blocking shawls
84.  send baby things to Kristine
85. fix my apron envy
86. try to be less awkward
87. start blogging again
88. Henry in crib
89. Kitty in Bed
90. teach liz to do her own laundry
91. teach Kitty to ride a bike
92. buy more correlle
93. interweave knits: CDs vs Magazines
94. Awesome Henry Happy Birthday!
95. transfer plants in the yard.
96. put up my posters and diplomas
97. small shelf for vinylmation
98. buy a small shelf for craft books
99. make a rug
100. take vitamins
101. don't run out of paper goods
102. FINISH MY WORK! aka don't leave shit half done
103. get the kids toys upstairs
104. make new jams
105. always have some chili in the freezer
106. plan ahead
107. cable vs. dish vs. netflix
108. NSO
109. pics of EFRT!
110. wish more Happy Birthdays
111. fix shredder
112. shred old bills
113. take the kids camping

now i realize in writing this out i seem to be a complete slob.  either that or someone that loves to clean things.  i am neither.  it's just nice to be able to cross something off when i finish a job i don't want to do that needs to be done.  YAY!

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