Wednesday, September 16, 2009

20 minutes of reading...

i finally figured out the reason i dislike reading to liz so much... well... some of the reasons...

rarely do i enjoy the books.
i dislike having to make jake sit and listen (i think it takes about the same amount of time)
but the biggest reason is...
ALWAYS in the back of my mind is a hundred other things that need to be done. laundry that needs to be folded, trash that needs to be taken out, the dog that needs in. and reading for twenty minutes is such a non multitasking task, that it drives me bananas! i much prefer to vacuum, or make beds, while doing the laundry and dishes. at least at the end of those twenty minutes there is a tangible difference.
but the reading is so intangible.
i somewhat feel like it is time wasted (although i KNOW its not). it is hard for me to slow down, and appreciate her growing brain, to see that like me (and countless other kids) she has wanted to squeeze all the toothpast out of the tube.
but i have to. i have to slow down.
and although i CAN take care of business in a flash, i need to savor those moments where it is just us, and our love of books.

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