Wednesday, November 24, 2010


do you want to know why the settlers had a hard time here? do you want to know why jamestown didn't work? its because this place blows! even in modern times, where i have a pretty steady temperature, everything rots! i have never lived in a place where onions and potatoes turn so easily. if it weren't for the spare instant mashed i have in the pantry, tomorrow would be a mashed potato free holiday! stupid virginia!

1 comment:

sarah said...

People in humid places never tell you these things. That's the problem with everywhere else- it's different, in a bad way.

(Okay, I'm a little bit kidding. I once poured myself a bowl of cereal that had been open for A YEAR up here, and it is so dry, that the cereal was still crispy and good. It was a miracle of altitude.)