Wednesday, January 4, 2012


yesterday Liz went back to school after the Christmas holiday.  she was excited to be back, and wore her new shirt that has an Ewok on it, and says "Return of the Jedi" in pink, with a bit of glitter.  when she came home, i told her that we had missed her being around all day, and that i hoped she had a good day at school.  it took a while, but she told me that one of her 'friends' had made her feel bad and told her that "Star Wars is for nerds."
thats when i told her, "It is."
she was kind of shocked.  as was i.  i didn't think the whole Nerd/Cool Kid think would rear its ugly head in 2nd grade!
so, i tried to make her feel better, by letting her know about all the Rad Stuff nerds get.
"Nerds get Star Wars, and Star Trek.  Nerds get Legos.  Nerds get Math and Chemistry and Science.  Nerds get Dr. Who, and robots.  Nerds get Science Fiction and Comic Books."
then she asked, "Who gets 'Back to the Future'?"
"Nerds," i said.
"YES!" she said and then she dropped it.

i am happy to say that this morning, she went to school wearing her Dr. Who Cyberman shirt.  i know it won't be the end of it.  she has already told me that some of the girls make fun of her for liking video games and Pokemon, and for not wearing enough pink.  she has told me of the cliques that have started to form, and about some kids that HAVE to wear things with rainbows to be cool.  i just tell her, "if you like it, then its fine.  I am a nerd.  Your Dad is a nerd.  Your Grandma is a nerd, and so is you Grandpa.  we love you, and thats all that matters."  and really, if she came to me tomorrow, and said that she likes baby dolls, and princesses, and pink sparkle tutus, i would do my best in supporting her decisions, but truth be know, i am over the moon that her favorite book is about the periodic table of elements, and that she is looking forward to getting one on Physics.
i love my nerd.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

It makes me sad that she is dealing with that, but we love your nerd too. We have a housefull of them. Tell Liz that instead of a new years party we had Adams cousin and his kids over for a Star Wars marathon. Nerds are the best and Liz has always been an awesome girl.