Sunday, March 2, 2008

Uber update IV

Even though I haven’t been blogging about it, I have been working on getting my 108 things done on my uberlist. Some are taking a little longer than I have hoped, but all in all it is going well. Here are some things that are done, or are in the process of getting done.

7. learn to spin. (had a free lesson at Stitches West, and am going to take a class with Miss Gin.)

10. register for absentee ballot. (sent off the card I got after voting in the primary)

29. watch little house with liz. (for those of you that don’t know, this show is addicting. I now watch an hour a day. They qualify as my stories)

35. label photos when uploading to flickr. (the flickr uploader is a lifesaver. I love it!)

40. clean out medicine cabinet
41. go through linen closet and purge. (these two went together. I took out a bunch of sheets, to be donated to goodwill, and threw away old medicine AND fixed up my first aid kit.)

80. read Katherine and Rhett's People. (I am reading Rhett now)

85. get new glasses (got some snazzy ones at Costco! I would like some prescription sunglasses though…)

92. give Norma my old maternity clothes. (did this last time I went down to the valley)

100. help liz learn to wipe her own butt. (this is turning out to be a bit harder than I thought. Maybe her arms aren’t long enough??? Gotta keep working on it.)

102. fix up my yarn holders. (am using those orange and black Halloween boxes. Grouped yarn in separate bags, attached a manifest on the outside of boxes, and updated Ravelry

whew! Quite a bit, but there is still more to do. As I have learned these last few months, when you are a SAHM of two there is always more to do…

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