Sunday, June 14, 2009


well... not THE greatest, but it is pretty darn great! Jake is well on his way to being potty trained. he went once because of me, and then again on his own (on his own meaning he told me "potty")! i think it could be the fact that he likes m&ms, and he gets one whenever he goes (not just try... he has to go). it also helps me that liz is encouraged to take him to the pot too. if he goes she gets an m&m too. i am hoping by the end of summer we will be done, for the most part, with diapers... for now.

also on great news going on today... i got my Phat Fiber box. i had to refresh a page for two minutes, but i got it! YAY!!! it is going to come with yarn and fiber and coupons. i am a sucker for coupons. which continues into...

we got to the commissary by 0930, bought everything we needed (and more) saved almost $14 in coupons and got home before 1015! i did that! with two kids! on payday weekend!!! almost unheard of!

i also have some super creative ideas flowing. some are kind of super secret, the others just have to do with spinning. i love to spin, and i am almost done with two ounces, spun fine, to be plied with another two ounces i have yet to start!

oh.. yeah... and i am pregnant. YAY!

1 comment:

sarah said...

I'm glad that you're pregnant again. I'm glad you haven't just given up after two just because they're a boy and a girl. Nice work. And we can be pregnant together, for all of three weeks or so!