Monday, June 1, 2009


i am on hold with met life. the only way i could get to a representative was to press a whole slew of buttons on the phone. there is no "talk to a real person button". i think i am going to cancel my policy and go with costco. they are cheaper, and a whole lot easier to get in touch with. anyone have any ideas of who else to go with?


sharon said...

USAA. It's the best insurance ever, and you would qualify I think- with your husband in the military. It's seriously great.

(This is Rosie, Sarah's little sister. SOrry.)

Victoria. said...

thanks... i couldn't get his log in, and was over it. i went with progressive, and so far am quite happy. we'll see about USAA when he gets home... in 6 months!

sarah said...

6 months. holy crap.