Monday, October 31, 2011

23 weeks.

i think i have been trying to stack things too high.  i have been, little by little, trying to incorporate things into my schedule that i believe need to get done.  and in reality there is really very little that i NEED to do.  and so, this week, i am going to be stripping down my work week (again) and doing as little as i can.  last week was really rough on me, physically and mentally, and i don't want to do that.  i don't want to be a looney mom, who always has a headache, or back ache, or needs a nap.  so, if i get to it, i get to it.  if not, then hopefully when the Queen stops by (har har) i will find the time to change the hand towel, and make sure the soap dispenser isn't all goopey.   other than that, it doesn't really matter.

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