Monday, October 24, 2011

i think i can (22 weeks)

my last couple of tasks that i have given myself have gone over pretty well.  i am keeping up with my chores (when i want/NEED to), and i have been taking time for myself (although not as much as i need).  this week my goal is simple... i think...

this week i am going to take care of my feet.  not to make them sound uber disgusting, or that they need some special attention because they are sooooo gross, i just want to make them look nice for the sake of looking nice.  so i am going to take some time for a home pedicure.

i have never really been one to frequent nail salons, in fact i have been 3 times in my life.  the first time i went, they cut my finger.  the second time i went, i went full tilt and went to an organic spa that autoclaved the tools they used, opened them in front of you, and sent me home with all the nail files, and orange sticks they used.  the third time i went, my girlfriends and i went as a group, and snuck in mixed drinks, and laughed at how the massage chairs were making Kristi look lewd.  but all the three times, before i went i made sure to cut and clean my own nails.  they filed them and made them look nice, but i did the cutting.  i am strange like that.  i like the fact that i am the only one responsible for keeping my nails short and clean and bacteria free.  (just looking at my cuticles can tell you i am a frequent hand washer.)  i also like that throughout all my pregnancies i have been the one to cut my toenails.  (as i write this my darling DragonBall is bipping with hiccups.)  it's kind of a challenge, and maybe they don't get done all at the same time, but it is my own personal yoga.  it keeps me limber and makes me breathe slow, and concentrate.  and this is one thing i need... to breathe slow, and concentrate on the task before me.

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